القائمة الرئيسية


كيفية كتابة قصة باللغة الانجليزية بشكل رائع و مميز /How to write a story in English in a wonderful and distinctive way

 مرحبا بكم في مدونة كل يوم معلومة جديدة 

: Top Tips

        Imagine you looking at a picture when describing the setting

Use direct speech (charcters exact words) to make the story lively

Use a variety of adjectives to make the story more interesting to the reader




:introduce the main characters and the setting which include
?(time (when? *
  ?(place(where? *
       weather *


:Main part

develop the characters and the setting and events leading to the conflict and climax (high point in the story).this should not be    less than two paragraphs .This will include 

?what happened*

How the main characters fell? Use adjectives and adverbs*
...Sami was so delighted that he *      
.He angrily shouted at his friends*      

Use linking words *
.(Time(before, when ,as soon as, later , by the time, suddenly*
         (contrast (but, however, while, nevertheless*
.(result(so, so that , therefore, as a result, for this reason*
.(reason(because, because of , as*



:end your story 
.describe what happened in the end *
.describe people’s feeling and reactions *
.make a short comment *

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